
Human Nature in Lord of the Flies by William Golding

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Picture someone walking down a city street when suddenly they spot a man wearing dirty and ragged clothing holding a sign that reads, “Please help me.” All of a sudden, you reach into your pocket pondering for loose change, which you place into his empty plastic bottle. As you walk away, a sudden joy springs upon you knowing you’ve helped someone in need. Many psychologists say human nature motivates this excitement within. Human nature can affect an individual by how one sees themselves, sees others, and sees society. It is our desires, reactions, needs, instincts, and goals one aims for. Human nature may guide the direction of society, for humans group together creating a desired cultural upbringing, living among one another. In William Golding’s novel Lord of the Flies, the end of innocence has risen for some very unlucky boys. Following a plane crash killing all adults, boys, aging from six to fourteen, are left stranded and isolated on an island with no means of escape. After several months, the boys begin to disagree and fight, leading to the development of savages. Soon, the boys have no law and order to keep them civilized; only the dangerous and injudicious decisions they have made. The articles “Evil” written by Lance Morrow and “” written by, both incorporate ideas that individuals and society are influenced by human nature. Human beings are faced with desires, needs, goals, etc. which impact their individuality and societies they exist in. Human Nature is

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