
Human Trafficking And Sexual Exploitation

Decent Essays

“Speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable. Speak out in order to judge with righteousness and to defend the needy and the poor.” This quote is from Proverbs 31:8-10 and is my motivation for fighting against human trafficking. When I first became involved in anti-trafficking efforts I wasn’t sure where it was going to lead me. Around 80% of organizations that work with human trafficking deal solely in awareness raising, which is extremely important. However, I soon realized that simply being knowledgeable about an issue, exclusively educating others will not end human trafficking, nor protect those who are vulnerable or gain justice for the exploited. My goal is to work internationally combating human trafficking and sexual exploitation primarily through legislation, with a focus on Southeast Asia.
An introduction to human trafficking from Women At Risk, International lead to an internship. This internship, while providing me with practical skills, also provided me with foundational knowledge about modern day slavery. As a result I began to prepare myself for a second internship in Thailand, set to begin about a year after my first one ended. While I did learn a little about Thai culture and what convertor I would need for my phone, my most important preparation had nothing to do with Thailand.
In June of 2013, a branch of Eve’s Angels began in Indianapolis. I had connected with Indianapolis leader, Mary Maas, while the logistics

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