
Human Trafficking And The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

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Human trafficking is one of the most popular ways to get a lot of cash. Money is one of the most important things in a person's everyday life, people do a lot of things to get that money. Most women prostitute to make some money, others do life threatening jobs, but many young girls that want money do stupid things like getting involved with trafficking. Many people would say “oh, that is not in our country nor our neighborhood, it can’t be.” But it is. Everyone should have that fear that they could be in danger. Most of the captors or the human trafficker find their prey or the ones getting trafficked in places with low education and have destruction ( hurricane destruction, tornado destruction,floods, etc. )areas where people have barely any money to provide for themselves. …show more content…

It never turns out that way, most captors take all of the victims money. They make these young people work for them just so the captors don’t have to work. today there is more than there was seized from Africa during the four centenaries of trans-Atlantic slave trade. Many people don’t understand how many different types trafficking there is . Sex trafficking, labor trafficking, drug trafficking, money trafficking, gun trafficking, etc. many of the people or the Victims may be willing to participate at first, but will later become afraid and over used so they could become human trafficking

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