
Human Trafficking Reformation Essay

Decent Essays

There needs to be a reformation of the guidelines to human trafficking because it is too common for people’s rights to be taken away to feed the greed of another individual. Not only is it morally wrong, but it is illegal in every country. Reformation needs to happen in a myriad of ways so that the end of human trafficking can become a reality. As far as the need for policies and guidelines to be reformed, there is no current concrete asylum option for refugees that have been trafficked and are able to escape or be freed from captivity by law enforcement or another agency. In April 2006 the UNHCR published Guidelines on the application of the Refugees Convention to people who have been trafficked. While there is little doubt that trafficked people are subjected to serious violations of their basic rights and interests, the applicability of the Convention is problematic because they do not fit easily into any of the categories recognized by the Convention as giving rise to an entitlement to refugee status. The Guidelines adopt the definition of trafficking contained in the Palermo Protocol to the UN Convention on Transnational Organized Crime (2000). The various elements of the refugee definition are then …show more content…

One of those points is that the reformation of the guidelines to grant asylum to trafficked refugees will result in all desperate immigrants claiming they were trafficked. Another point that is brought to attention is where the resources housing, feeding, and caring for these refugees will come from. These points can be refuted in the reformation of the guidelines. By making sure these points are addressed, there will be a deterrent for abuse of this asylum clause, and there would be a specific allocation of funding worked into the national budget, also padded by donations from other countries that we receive most immigrants

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