
Humanism And The Renaissance Era

Decent Essays

Question #1 Humanism in the Renaissance Era was the notion that only the Human existence is what mattered. It rejected all aspects of the medieval era, a millennium, obsessed with all things Christian, God, and Faith driven. I partial agree with this statement; Humanism in the Renaissance Era was the notion that only the Human existence is what mattered. It rejected all aspects of the medieval era, a millennium, obsessed with all things Christian, God, and Faith driven. I believe the people during this time were very worried about what happens after death, or heaven. Humanism by definition to me is that the person doesn’t believe in a god or any faith, but does believe in being a good person at that point in time. By being a humanist I think you believe that your wants and needs are more value to you now on earth, than of any faith driven aspects. In readings in Aspect of Western Civilizations, the passage, The First Principles of the Early Church (225 C.E) (Origen, p 166) it talks about the teaching in the church. How God created everything from nothing. The universe would be inexistent without God and Jesus Christ his son. Just this passage shows that the people of this time followed the church and believed in the after life in heaven with God or Hell with the devil. There are many instances throughout this book that shows clearly the people of this time weren’t humanist and wanted to repent any sins to be able to enter the pearly gates of heaven. An

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