
Humanism And The Renaissance Period

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Humanism was very important to the Renaissance period due to the immense load of information studied, discovered, and learnt. The Renaissance meaning the rebirth of learning and culture. Humanism spread like wildfire throughout the European continent after being sparked in Italy. Italy studied the Romans and the Greeks in great detail. Humanism rose through art and literature as paintings no longer only portrayed God or Godly figures, and studying languages enabled the people to read books that they were not enabled to read before. You can see how important literature was by seeing how many of Chaucers “The Canterbury Tales” books survived. Being capable of reading drastically broadening their horizon. For the first time people read and translated the bible for themselves, only to discover the corruption of the Catholic Church. Unlike during the Middle Ages where everything was centered on church and religion, now people had started to think about themselves, the nature humanity and its relationship to the natural world, and also learned that they can have their own relationship with God. Before, people’s relationship with God was through the interpretation of the clergy, during the Renaissance people learned that they can have their own relationship with God without the clergy. The thinking strategy had transformed from people believing that everything they did was for God and that they were used by God to paint through their lives; to along the lines of Don Quixote’s

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