
Hurricane Irma Case Study

Decent Essays

With Hurricane Irma hitting hard in Florida it’d assume that in the capitalist society that we would be prepared with the resources to properly evacuate and help the American people.
On September 10th, 2017, Florida residents tried to be as prepared as they could but it just wasn’t enough. As much as 25% of the houses in Florida Keys ended up destroyed and 65% with substantial damage. Many that remained were left without the necessities to stay safe such as water, power, and food.
The damage from Irma has been recorded to be of at least $200 thousand. With approximately 6.5 million people under evacuation orders. In an area of the US that is a hotbed for hurricanes it would be likely to assume that there would be proper precautions taken for …show more content…

Residents had to stay behind because they simply could not afford the cost of leaving, some paying the great price – their lives.
The International Committee of the Fourth International (ICFI) states,” For decades, the elite has pursued a policy of social counterrevolution, looting public funds and clawing back all the gains made by working class over the last 100 years.” ICFI reasons that the money taken by the elite could’ve been used to create an “infrastructure to counteract the impact of increasingly powerful and predictable storms.”
The capitalist society we live in is unjust and it always has been, for everyone who isn’t at the “top.” Capitalism has most commonly benefited the elite and left the minority in the dust. History shows this to be prevalent as minorities are marginalized with capitalism doing nothing to improve their societal standing.
As advanced as our society is, events like this almost mirror past events such as famines when empires wouldn’t support their colonies. The famines came after dry periods all while the empire like the current elite powers would profit off

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