
Hurricane Maand Case Study

Decent Essays

Good afternoon CEO Mr. Arne M. Sorenson, Due to recent Hurricane Irma and impending Hurricane Maria, it is of increased importance that Marriott International concentrates on its operations in the Caribbean. In some areas, Hurricane Irma’s 185-mile-per-hour winds resulted in devastation that will remain for years. The U.S Virgin Islands, home of the Frenchman’s Reef & Morning Star Marriott Beach Resort, suffered tremendously. This Marriott Beach Resort is now waiving hotel cancellations and changing fees for certain arrival dates. To make matters worse, Caribbean islands are now preparing for a direct hit by Hurricane Maria, this month’s second Category 5 storm that is expected to arrive this Tuesday and Wednesday. Warnings for this …show more content…

Regional managers can identify which aspects of their hotels are the most vulnerable and explain to executives the most effective aid. They can also report their employees’ most important concerns and needs. Corporate executives can then decide the most beneficial ways to help as well as the sufficient reallocation of company resources. Managers and executives should also establish a recovery timeline. Creating a timeline helps ensure that recovery progress is on track in order to allow operations to resume as quickly as possible. Additionally, this meeting can clarify a practical communication system; executives and managers can establish communication procedures not only between themselves but all staff. Such protocols secure adequate correspondence between the regional and corporate branches as well as proper alert of specific storm updates to all staff. Furthermore, it strengthens communication from staff to corporate offices, allowing for sufficient notification of staff safety. Location of insurance policies, financial records, and other important documents should also be identified during this meeting; not only will valuables be protected from getting lost, the recovery plan can be implemented more smoothly since all necessary information will be readily available post-hurricane. Furthermore, executives and managers must determine a proper budget for facility maintenance,

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