
I Am Not Most People

Good Essays

Most people don’t even get to pitch on their hometown baseball team, much less at a Major League game. However, I am not most people. It was a rather dull morning at Blue Earth Area Middle School. I was sitting in my MM (Morning Meeting) classroom while the daily announcements were being droned through the intercom. They spoke of sporting events, sign-ups for this or that, and the lunch menu. That’s usually where they stop, except then Mrs. McGuire, my principal, started speaking. I was so entangled within my own thoughts, I wasn’t really paying any attention to what she was saying. Then the kid next to me nudged me with her elbow and said, “Bennett, turn around.” At the back of the room, to my extreme confusion, was my mom, the school …show more content…

That day was the first step towards throwing the first pitch at a Twins game, an event that will stick with me for a long time.
After school that day, I was ecstatic to tell my baseball coaches about this huge opportunity, but they didn’t seem surprised when I told them. As it turns out, they had helped me to throw out the pitch. When I won the tickets to the game, that was because of my perfect attendance. The first pitch, however, was a separate competition, between me and the kids from other schools who had won tickets. Teachers and coaches had to write something about their student and send it in for the chance to win the chance at the first pitch, and my two baseball coaches had done just that. Not only them, but the secretary and Mrs. Armstrong both wrote in as well. It’s because of them that I got the opportunity. About a month passed, and the date of the game seemed to sneak up on me like a shadow. My mom was already in the cities because she was visiting friends the previous night, so that just left my dad, my siblings, and I to drive up. Of course, with my luck, we couldn’t even get that right. We were already running a bit late, and our car was out of battery. We tried for a while to start it, but eventually we had to get our neighbor to drive over and help jump our minivan. Thankfully, it worked, and we were on our way. Using means slightly outside of the law, we made it to Target Field, home of the Twins, with time to spare. We met up with my

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