
I Bought That New Iphone By Nicholas Carr Summary

Decent Essays

‘So you bought that new’ll be pulling you phone out and using it some 80 times a day, according to data that Apple collects”. Nicholas Carr tells us this to demonstrate how obsessed people are with their phones. Carr does this throughout his whole essay by using statistics, studies, and strong diction which in turn also explains how a person can become very dependent on their smartphone to the point of addiction
Statistics are the practice or science of collecting and analyzing numerical data in large quantities, especially for the purpose of inferring proportions in a whole from those in a representative sample. By using statistics, Carr shows the proof in his claim. For example, “you’ll be consulting the glossy little rectangle nearly 30,000 times over the coming year”. By providing data that came strictly from Apple, Carr shows how his claim is supported and how often people look at their phone. He even states he got his information “according to data Apple collects. Apple asks permission of their phone users to collect data and this data is available to the public, thus Carr is showing reliable information for his readers. So by using statistics, Carr provides facts for readers and shows how much the average person looks at their phone. …show more content…

In a study done by the Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication “showed that when people hear their phone ring but are unable to answer it, their blood pressure spikes, their pulse quickens, and their problem-solving skills decline”. This involved 41 people, divided into 2 groups. By proving the result of a study which showed that a single ring from a phone significantly decreases a person’s abilities, Carr supports his claim. According the the study “As the phones proximity increased, the brain power decreased. By using a study that did actual tests on just how seeing a phone can affect a person, Carr shows the possible damage phones could have on our

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