
Martin Luther King Jr Diction

Decent Essays

The United States had struggled with racism and segregation for many years before 1963. However, Martin Luther King Jr had a global goal to end racism and segregation. In the I Have a Dream speech by Martin Luther King Jr, the speech was given on August 28th, 1963 in front of countless African Americans fighting for their right to freedom. Martin Luther King Jr’s argument utilizes diction, imagery, and similes to demand that America needs to change the social norms that have developed over time. Martin Luther King Jr. uses strong diction to bring up the idea of change within the United States. He uses the word, “shameful” to open the eyes of the audience when talking about how the African Americans have been treated for many years. Martin Luther King Jr. begins discussing the past, in order to compare the differences between what was happening then compared to what he wants to change, and how he plans on changing segregation and racism around the world. Martin Luther King Jr., also uses the strong word, “insufficient” in order to argue that African Americans are not having the same rights and opportunities that most of the whites are having at the time. Although Martin Luther King Jr. appears to be using his angry diction in order to guide many Americans towards change within the community, his effective use of strong diction seems to push the audience in order to make the change that the United States citizens want. The angry diction that Martin Luther King Jr.

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