
I Have Chosen The City Of Vaughan

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I have chosen the city of Vaughan, ON, to be a potential area that I would like to see my future practice dwell in. I have lived here for over 20 years and truly enjoy everything the city has to offer. The population of Vaughan has grown by over 184% since 1991 and continues to grow on a yearly basis. It is open to a majority of cultures but the most prevalent culture being the Italian population.

Key Factors:
• Italian population o One of the reasons I chose to research Vaughan, ON as a potential destination to practice, was because of the fact that many Italians reside in the town. Coming from an Italian family myself, having an Italian name and speaking Italian will potentially give me an advantage over the other chiropractors in the …show more content…

I can get into contact with the local politicians and try to promote my practice through them. For the younger population, I want to attend local gyms where I can promote health and wellness. By having the advantage of living in Vaughan for over 20 years, I know where all the local hot spots are located, I know where to go in order target certain groups and most importantly, I am known all around the city, either by working various part-time jobs or by volunteering with certain charitable organizations. I look forward to the opportunity of graduating and getting my name out there even more.
• High household income o Due to the fact that the average household income in Vaughan, ON is the highest in the province, this will translate into more expensive leases and higher overall property tax, which will ultimately have an impact on my practice. However, this also means that I could charge higher rates and stay competitive with the surrounding clinics.
1.7 Services, products and pricing

• Diversified chiropractic treatment o Using high velocity, low amplitude thrusts of different variations in order to treat the affected area. o Many chiropractors in Vaughan continue to use the subluxation model of care. This will provide us with an advantage in order to target individuals wanting diversified treatment. To further differentiate ourselves, treatment could be provided in Italian language if the patients prefer in order to enhance the patient-doctor relationship

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