
Why Is Music Important To Me

Satisfactory Essays

Music is extremely important to me, because I listen to it everyday. It always sets the mood and is incomparably powerful. It can make my mood raise up or down. An example could be, that you just went through a terrible breakup, and then you’re immediately on to listening to miserable songs, or you could be in a genuinely superb mood and listen to rather cheerful songs. As to my opinion on hate lyrics. I personally think it’s an amazing way to actually express yourself and to sing about how you’re feeling about a certain situation. I feel, as long as they don’t bring people’s names into the lyrics, I’ll find it acceptable. Otherwise bad words like f!ck you (any individual’s name), will sometimes be censored, but in most situations, the song will be released with perhaps a beep sound over a curse word, or they just won’t sing the word at all, but then somewhere else on the internet, it’ll be released uncensored. I feel like a song should be released the way the artist wants it to be released, and if some people simply do not like it, then don’t listen to it, honestly. That’s how straightforward it is. I mean, let’s make a quick situation right now. Let’s say you’re out shopping Christmas gifts for your family, and the cashier asks ’who’s …show more content…

They sing about how some people feel like their sexuality is being looked at as wrong, and how they feel a need to hide it. The song is quite emotional but worthwhile. Then there’s Michael Jackson. Oh yes. He’s written many popular songs, but one that comes to my mind, when thinking of songs with a relevant message, is his hit song, ‘Black and White,’ which describes the diversity of races, and the fact that, it doesn’t matter if you’re black or white! It’s been a big stopper for racism and I find it a super clever and well written song with a good beat, that basically everyone

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