
I Want To Be Remembered Me Research Paper

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How do I want to be remembered? (Based off of Churchyard poem/essay) Oh geez, man, I’m going to die soon! Dang this sucks! Why does it suck? Everyone has to die. It’s the way the cycle works. But I haven’t done much in my life! I want to do so many things! I want to be remembered for doing amazing things! So, how bout instead of whining like a child, you go do those amazing things to be remembered? ...Good Idea let's go! People all around the world want to be remembered in some way shape or form. I mean who doesn’t want to be remembered for something? Anthing? I mean it’s a way to become famous and be admired by those who believe in doing the same thing as you or being an idol! I have the dream of being remembered when I die except …show more content…

Why out of all things would I want to be remembered for being a famous ceramic artist? Well if you must ask it's because I love working with clay and creating amazing or weird things and having people absolutely love them or look at them as “What is this supposed to be?” It's just one of my things to make people weirded out or absolutely love what I'm making or made. I would totally be okay with being known as a famous ceramic artist because it is my utmost goal to become. If there was a choice becoming a wealthy CEO of a huge company and being a poor ceramic artist I would choose being a poor ceramic artist over being a CEO anyday. I don't care about money all I really care about is making people really happy or really weirded out about what I made or am making it's mostly all about the artwork and the expressions and praises of people than money. So I would totally be okay with being known as a famous ceramic artist than a CEO any …show more content…

Yea. this might come as a shocker to some people, but it is one of my dreams to be remembered as a gothic model. The only true reason I really want to be remembered as one is because I believe that I can change the world and help those who feel like they can’t can actually be something. I also feel that being a gothic model will be actually pretty awesome too because I get to wear awesome gothic clothing and amazing beautiful makeup that makes me look really good. I also think that it would definitely bring out my gothic side too and show the world that I’m proud to be a goth and that I’m not afraid to show it either. To be remembered as the most amazing, awesome and beautiful gothic model in the whole world not make me mad at all and it would definitely be something that I can be proud of and telling my future family that I have no shame in being what I

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