
I Was The Best Thing I Had Ever Set For Myself

Decent Essays

Having it all. The idea that one could have it all was perhaps the greatest thing I had ever set for myself. Yet, in my pursuit of trying to reach this goal, I forgot to remember who I was in my rush to have it all. These words, while aspirational end up making all of us feel as if we have fallen short. I have never met a woman who truthfully said, “Yes I have it all”. No matter what we have and how grateful we are for what we have – no one has it all. This reminds me of a story comes about one stage of my life: when I inherited a poor manager. In my Walmart Career, Actually I had two bad managers last 20 years, one was a man and other is a woman.
Why do only a few people get to say, "I love my job”? It seems unfair that finding …show more content…

You have to understand what the fixed mindset is and what growth mindset is.
Glenn Leibowitz said you don’t need a fancy title or corner office to be a leader. There’s a lot of insecurities and uncertainty in the working world these days. Artificial intelligence and automation are threatening to replace humans. If you want to proactively shape the course of you career and life, you will need to take responsibility for your own career development – Gary Hayman (My HR partner – Walmart Canada – Central Operations) said that to me. He said to me once, “Jay, No one will tap your shoulder and give you a new career; you have to own your career. World is changed from years”. I get it, weather you work for someone else, or strike out on your own; you’ll need to adopt the mindsets and behavior of a leader. Being who I am and inspiring others did not just come into my life just in months. I have earned this capabilities working at Walmart in years. But I’ve learned about leadership I’ve learned mainly from the people I’ve worked with, with or from those I’ve had the chance to meet and observe over the years. Being a leader is treating others as you would hope they treat you. To me, this is simply the golden rule of human relationships. The most inspiring and successful leaders I know (Jim Thompson, Gina Pick – Walmart Canada, Greg Foran,

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