
I loved the book To Dance With The White Dog, by Terry Kay. When I first

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I loved the book To Dance With The White Dog, by Terry Kay. When I first started reading, I was afraid this was going to be another depressing book about old people and I wasn't looking forward to reading it. I loved the book To Dance With The White Dog, by Terry Kay. When I first started reading, I was afraid this was going to be another depressing book about old people and I wasn't looking forward to reading it. However, I was soon taken in by the sweet, humorous Sam Peek and couldn't put down the book. I was moved by the strong love he had for his beloved wife Cora and even more so by his strength to carry on after her death. I think it was wonderful how Sam's family came together, even in the days after Cora's death, to …show more content…

How's he doing? Is he bearing up? What should we do? What?" (pg.24) Even though the children's presence sometimes annoyed Sam, he knew his loving wife Cora was responsible for their caring ways and he took comfort in that. I can really relate to their worrying and overreacting as I too have worried about my own Dad during some tough times. Sam was very lucky to have family that cared so much and lived so close. Many elderly people do not have family close by, family that cares or family period. Even though Sam feels he can fend for himself and doesn't need his family's help, he really does need them. This is evident the time he collapsed from the pain in his hip and also when he got lost on his way to his reunion. Of course, anyone can get lost, however, Sam due to his fragile condition was unable to leave his truck to get help. If it was freezing or nobody came along to help him he very likely would have died that night. It really made me think when Sam collapsed from the pain in his hip. He was in his chair when he woke up and realized he had slept through his television shows and the TV had signed off for the night. He was in a lot of pain and unable to stand up and get his medicine and when he finally was able to stand he collapsed. I can't imagine being in so much pain that I

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