
Iago A Manipulator

Decent Essays

The most interesting character in the tragic play "Othello," by William Shakespeare, is Iago. Through some carefully thought-out words and actions, Iago is able to manipulate others to do things in a way that benefits him and moves him closer toward his goals. He is the main driving force in this play, pushing Othello and everyone else towards their tragic end. Iago is the antagonist of the play, but rather than being the direct opponent to the tragic hero, Iago is a manipulator
Iago’s first move towards manipulating Othello is by upsetting him. Iago does this by speaking of Cassio and Desdemona kissing in private. Iago continues through the conversation with Othello infuriating him into thinking that Cassio and Desdemona have spent time together in the same bed Othello and Desdemona share. Because Othello is upset by these remarks, he falls into an epileptic seizure. Iago wants to speak to Cassio about his and Bianca’s relationship. However, when Othello awakes from his trance, Iago tells Othello that he will get Cassio to tell the story of his affair with Desdemona. Once Othello withdraws, Iago …show more content…

Othello believes this is the right thing to do because he is listening to the words of honest Iago. Iago gets into Othello's thoughts by telling him to kill his own wife. Iago even tells Othello how to kill her and Othello does not realize that Iago is taking advantage of him. "Do it not with poison: strangle her in her bed, even the bed she hath contaminated" (4.1.206). Iago believes that Othello slept with his wife, so he gets revenge on him by putting false accusations in his mind that his wife is a strumpet. He also breaks the friendship between Othello and Cassio so he can get what he wants, the Lieutenant's position. Roderigo, Cassio and Othello were all victims of Iago's manipulations. These manipulations causes Iago to get whatever he

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