
Iago By William Shakespeare 's Othello

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Iago is able to manipulate different characters throughout Othello by appearing to be honest and trustworthy, and using this to make people believe what he is saying is the truth. This means that Iago can tell them what he wants, in order to achieve whatever he desires. Simply, Iago is a two-faced character. A very ironic part of the play is when Iago says, “By Janus”, as Janus is a two- faced Roman god.

The first person/character is Rodrigo. Rodrigo is blinded by his love for Desdemona and is prepared to try anything to win her heart. This makes him an easy target for Iago, as Rodrigo will do anything to get what he wants, Desdemona. Rodrigo is initially upset with Iago, as he has paid Iago to encourage a marriage between him and Desdemona, but instead Desdemona had married Othello. However, Iago easily restores Rodrigo’s faith in him by saying his hatred for Othello he says with erratic words, like ‘despise me, I do not’- when Rodrigo asks if he hates Othello. Rodrigo is used for his money, Iago tells his him repeatedly to ‘put money in thy purse’. Even when Rodrigo threatens Iago, ‘ assure yourself I will seek satisfaction of you (Scene four), he doesn’t have the necessary the mindset and power to back up his threats, and instead is convinced by Iago to murder Cassio by “knocking out his brains’. However, Iago intents Rodrigo, as well as Cassio to ‘live Rodrigo-. To make sure of this he stabs Rodrigo after Cassio wounds him.

Another person manipulated by Iago is

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