
Iago : The Tragic Hero In Shakespeare's Othello

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In the Shakespeare novel Othello, Iago, a character who is a tragic figure by reason of his failures, chooses to ruin the lives of others due to his envious behavior. In the beginning of the novel, it is interpreted that both Iago and Cassio ran to take place as the next military general, which is the title Othello currently has and is passed down. Not chosen for the role being seen as unqualified, Iago felt like he was told by Othello that he wasn’t reliable enough for the role. As Iago was envious that Cassio was receiving a much higher status than him, he wanted to cause suffering to Cassio. He also wants to bring suffering upon Othello considering he didn’t choose him for the title, which involves him murdering his own wife causing him to forever have a cold heart. Iago’s first part of his plan was to target Cassio by getting revoked of becoming the next military general. At this time, Othello and is team had come back from a victorious battle in Cyprus against a Turkish fleet. As a result of the successful battle, the town of Venice decided to throw a celebration. During the celebration, Othello was alone with his wife Desdemona and soldiers had to guard the city in case of any surprise attacks. Iago creates a plan where Cassio shape himself as a fool in front of Othello causing him to lose his chance of being the next military general with the situation that is going on right now. He goes and talks to Cassio to receive information about what he can do, and while

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