
Idealism: Personal Philosophy Essay examples

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My Personal Philosophy There are many philosophies and beliefs that can be acknowledged and discussed in this world. Some made up and some that are supported by straight on evidence. Some most would disagree with and others most would agree with. One thing I strongly believe is that there is no right or wrong belief or philosophy, as long as you have reason to what you are speaking of. You believe what you want to believe. Everyone thinks differently. The main three topics I will share my beliefs about are reality, society and fate. I believe in idealism, that reality is a creation of minds. Reality is within your mind. It is what you see and how you feel. Thoughts are so powerful and real, they determine your actions which determine …show more content…

I agree with this completely due to personal experiences that have made me view reality nowadays way more differently than I did before. Society is the way it is today because we citizens, as society, have made it this way. Society is drunk off freedom and believes everything should be handed to them with no questions asked. Nobody wants to earn anything anymore. Society is too concerned with who’s running in first place on American Idol rather than who’s running the country. We have made certain things, such as expensive clothes and fit, skinny bodies, be glamorized for so long that it is considered as the better way of living in today’s society. I disagree with materialistic viewpoints. I don’t think having lots of money and clothes and objects make you rich. I believe being rich means that you appreciate everything you have. The “good life” is a life you are proud to talk about, a life that makes you happy. You create your own Utopia. I absolutely agree with this quote by German philosopher, Friedrich Nietzsche, as he writes, “You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.” This is true because there is no right or wrong way to live, whatever makes you happy, do it. You should never punish someone for living how they want to live. Of course this is to an extent because there are laws made up for the protection of citizens, but so what. As

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