
Immigration Policies And Naturalization Laws During World War II Essay

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During the years between 1882 and 2000, immigration and naturalization were always important issues for the United States. The United States’ stance on its policies and laws towards immigrants and their naturalization saw drastic changes during this time period, which reasons ranges from American’s experience with the immigrants and the nation’s changing relationship with other countries. During the beginning of the time period between 1882 and 2000, the United States took a restrictive approach on its immigration policies and naturalization law, mainly because of American’s fear of job competition with the immigrants, and also because of their racism. However, the change in relationships between United States and other nations during World War II marked the turning point of the nation’s approach on those policies and laws, where the United States slowly began to reopen its door of immigration. And in the late 20th century, the United States continued its approach on open immigration policies and naturalization laws that began during World War II due to the same reason, but at the same time the nation also passed restrictive policies towards undocumented immigrants. During the beginning of the time period between 1882 and 2000, the United States policies towards immigration and naturalization became more and more restrictive due to American’s fear of competition with immigrants for jobs and their buildup of racism towards those immigrants. Chinese immigrants were the first

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