
Impact Of Colonial Resistance In The Colonies

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In the 1600s, Colonial democracy was limited through voting barriers towards those who did not own land. Colonial representatives focused on those with political and economic power rather than focusing on indentured servants, slaves, or the common people who were more economically and politically invisible. The different structures of governments in the colonies portrayed the lack of consensus among the colonies. These limitations allowed inequalities to form at a different pace and contributed to the influence of: Bacon’s rebellion, the Enlightenment, and the Zenger case by introducing the idea of colonial resistance as a way to achieve accurate representation. The development of a democratic society allowed these three events to set up ideas for future founding documents and provided a connection among the thirteen colonies by questioning colonial authority and the unequal government representation that came with it. Bacon’s rebellion, an attempt to overthrow the Virginia government, disputed the economic and political control exercised by the affluent. The rich owned land yielding political power, whereas the poor indentured servants did not own land yielding political invisibility. Bacon’s rebellion presented two outcomes: the idea of colonial resistance and the class distinctions between the poor and the rich. The class distinctions provided a guideline for succeeding colonies to adjust class discrepancies and became a reason for the creation of the Constitution, like

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