
Impact of Kinship Arrangements on Children Essay

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With the number of traditional families in decline, many people have questions regarding the sanctity of marriage, as well as how we define the family unit as a whole. The purpose of this report is to offer facts and opinions about working parents and their children, strength of marriage and the effects of kinship arrangements on children of modern society.
When parents regulate their lives in any way, including work schedules and other career options, it is reasonable to believe that the welfare of their child could be an important part of this choice; however, such preferences are not necessarily selected “to save the traditional family” (Macionis, 2010, ¶ 8), as is suggested within parts of this week’s article. Instead, these plans …show more content…

Wives have been professionals outside of the home for many years, which changes the dynamics of a marriage from a codependent situation to a true partnership. As a bona fide team effort, the parent’s union becomes stronger while they share the responsibilities of their household. Insofar as refusing traditional roles and positions in a relationship, it is true that more women today want independence from household work and child rearing duties. Nonetheless, I do not think this is a major reason for the countless marriages that end in divorce, for other classic problems between married people are far more likely candidates such as money, sex, drugs and societal pressures to conform. Instead, women’s freedom of house duties is liable to be a reason that couples do not marry in the first place.
As I see it, the importance of family patterns is not a major issue. Specifically, any plan that guarantees a child substantial and consistent time with their parents, which is carried out often, is the best arrangement possible. I believe that first choice goes to married parents who live together and raise their children as a pair, for a child deserves to have equal access to each parent; however, as a single father myself, I know that single parent homes are perfectly fine for raising well-adjusted, happy children. In addition, I am aware that several people in my town do not approve of my single parent status , as a father, while

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