
Impacted Molars Erupt Research Paper

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Impacted Molar

Molars are the teeth in the back of your mouth. When they push out from the gum and grow (erupt), they can become trapped inside the gum or only partially emerge from the gum (impacted).
Molars erupt at different times in life. The first set of molars usually erupts around 6–7 years of age. The second set of molars typically erupts around 11–13 years of age. The third set of molars usually erupts between the ages of 17–21. This set of molars is often referred to as wisdom teeth. Wisdom teeth often become impacted, but any molar or set of molars can become impacted.
Molars erupt at different times in life. The first set of molars usually erupts around 6–7 years of age. The second set of molars typically erupts around 11–13 …show more content…

• Swollen lymph nodes.
• A bad taste in your mouth.
In some cases, there are no symptoms.

This condition can be diagnosed with an oral exam and X-rays.

This condition is often treated by removing (extracting) the impacted molar or molars. Other treatment options include:
• A procedure to remove the gum tissue that covers the impacted molar.
• Repositioning the teeth so that there is room for the molar to come through. This may be done with orthodontic appliances, such as braces.
• Antibiotic medicines, if your impacted molar or set of impacted molars has become infected.
Treatment may also not be needed if you do not have any symptoms. Talk to your health care provider about what is best for you.

• Take medicines only as directed by your health care provider.
• If you were prescribed antibiotic medicine, finish all of it even if you start to feel better.
• If directed, apply ice to the painful area:
○ Put ice in a plastic bag.
○ Place a towel between your skin and the bag.
○ Leave the ice on for 20 minutes, 2–3 times a day.
• Keep all follow-up visits as directed by your health care provider. This is

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