
Implications of the Professional Project of Psychiatry Essay

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The care for people with mental illness has a long and interesting history. Prior to the 19th century the care of the mentally challenged were in the hands of “mad doctors” and non-medical administrators who were running large asylums. The challenge this emerging field was faced with has to do with taking over the control of these asylums from these lay administrators and creating a credible medical foundation upon which mental health interventions will be built. One of the strategies used to achieve this is the rhetorical justification of the “professional project of psychiatry” the essence of which was captured by the following statements published in the Journal of Mental Science in 1858: “Insanity is purely disease of the brain. The …show more content…

In the 1950s during the so called ‘pharmacological revolution’ when some tranquilizes were in circulation there were cases when anxiolytics used for reduction of symptoms of anxiety, which are very addictive became ineffective after few weeks as it usually did, some practitioners would just increase the dose and many patients suffers disabling effect as a result (Pilgrim, 2009). There are also other medical remedies like psychosurgery and the use of Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) that has also since then become means of intervention with a level of success and controversy.
Since the statement has been made until now several practitioners do not believe it and as a result have explored alternative method of diagnoses and interventions for mental health issues. This has led to the development of psychological interventions. Some practitioners believe that most causative factors of mental illnesses are environmental. These environmental factors interacting with some other risk factor (which could be biological) could be responsible for some mental illnesses (Brown, 2011). As a result of the above position many practitioners believe that while it may be necessary to use some medication in the treatment of mental illnesses that drugs alone cannot do the work. This has led to the development of several tools for psychological or therapeutic interventions. There are those however who take extreme position about

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