
Implicit Communication In 1984

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Explicit and Implicit Communication There are multiple ways a novel or movie give hints or information about the characters and who they are as a person. In the book 1984, Orwell uses a mixture of implicit and explicit communication to describe the main character Winston Smith. Throughout part one and two of the story, we learn that Winston is a man who fears death, yet he keeps a secret journal, and develops a very dangerous relationship with a woman named Julia. Within passage one, it seems as if life is not worth the trouble, that every day life is being lived in conditions which lower ones happiness. Winston during this time was a man who despised the party, he was aware of his inevitable death, which was sure to come the moment he partook in “thoughtcrime”. Within the passage, “Nobody ever escaped detection, and nobody ever failed to confess.” serves an important part to Winston’s character. He is aware of the fact that any sort of crime will resort in him being caught, and possible death or torture. This is implicit communication, because it is not his own actions that we are observing, but simply fact, that was set down by the author of 1984. …show more content…

Though Smith is considered a married man, he cannot help but give into the bodily temptations he takes pleasure in. He does not see sex as his “duty to the party” like his past wife had stated many times, but he sees this as a way to go against the party and break the law. While they were standing together in a crowd, Winston“..had time to learn every detail of [Julia’s] hand”. Though it was not necessary, he took the time to feel each and every crevice and callous against Julia’s skin, clearly, Smith wanted to remember just how her hand felt. This is an example of explicit communication because it tells us of Winston’s actions, and we learn of how his feelings will develop for Julia early on in the

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