
Importance Of Choices In John Steinbeck's Of Mice And Men

Decent Essays

People shouldn’t let their choices be made for them, but instead should make their own decisions and not listen to everything they hear or everything they see. With the guidance of a homeless man, Willie found the key to happiness was to believe in himself and make his own decisions. Willie is talking to a homeless man, and he is asked his names. “‘What’s your name’”... “‘Willie’”... “‘That’s a boy's name, what’s your grown up name’” “‘William’”(Avi 214). This quote means that Willie is getting treated like he is mature and can make his own decisions. He doesn’t need his mom to choose for him. This is important because it makes Willie feel more grown up, and he feels like he no longer needs him mom to choose for him, and he doesn’t need the people on the box to tell him how much to eat. …show more content…

“‘You have to look at me, and then the cake, and then you're going to decide for yourself’”(Avi 214). This means that Willie finally gets to make a decision for himself and doesn’t that you don’t always want to listen to what you are told, and, that not everything you read is true, even if everyone tells you it is. The significance in this is that Willie is finally learning to make his own decisions and be independent. He finally doesn’t listen to exactly what his tells him, or what the people on the box say is true. Willie hears his mom say there is a cure for unhappiness, so he tries to find it to help his mom. He goes to a homeless man and tells him about what he trying to find, but he didn’t think that the homeless man would be the one to teach him

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