
Importance Of Conformity In Fahewit 451 By Ray Bradbury

Decent Essays

The book FAHRENHEIT 451 by Ray Bradbury is written in a controversial way because the book consists of firefighters that burn books which they consider “right”. Bradbury includes themes that are not easily portrayed throughout the book. Ray Bradbury shows how people conform and only few are individuals, he uses characters from the book like: Montag, Mildred, and Faber to show how people confor, and how they change. Conformity is shown through one of the characters in the book, in this case it would be Mildred. In this part of the book Mildred and Montag are having a conversation with one another when Mildred so happens to say “That was another Mildred, that was a Mildred so deep inside this one”(52). This is important because it shows how we saw one side of Mildred until she decided to show us her other side. This shows conformity because she so happens to think the same way other people do. Earlier in the book when Montag and Mildred are talking about Montag’s job and how him and the rest of the firemen burnt a woman for having books, Mildred says “She’s nothing to me; she shouldn’t have had books”(51). This quote shows how Mildred conforms because in the book, having books is bad and you could be punished by it. Mildred shows how she believes the same thing everyone else believes about having books is illegal and that those who get punished by it deserve it. Equally important, in the society written by bradbury humanity seems to be living on technology. People have 3

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