
Importance Of My Favorite Coach

Decent Essays

Favorite Coach
I have had many coaches throughout my life, some coaches have been good other not so good. My sports career started when I was three years old so I have had many different coaches, my favorite coach, I have ever had was my high school soccer coach. He is different from all the coaches I have had and he’s my favorite coach because of the relationship we built and because he believed in me from day one.

My freshman year of high school Coach Specht was the assistant soccer coach, at tryouts he told me that I would have a bright future as a player and could possible play varsity as as a freshman. Throughout the year I keep putting in the time and finally half way through the season I got my chance to play my first varsity game. This showed me that he really believed in my skill, to put a freshman in against mostly juniors and seniors. Not many coaches will risk putting someone that young on the field. From there on out I played in most of the varsity games. I may not of started or played the whole game but it was a great learning experience and really helped me improve as a player. What made playing varsity even better is that we went on to win the school's first league title that year. Without coach Specht’s trust in me I wouldn’t of been able to experience winning the league.

In the winter of my freshman year coach Specht saw the potential in me and asked me if I wanted to train with him to improve my speed and strength, so I would be ready for next season.

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