
Importance Of The Declaration Of Rights

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The Declaration of Rights of Indigenous people set minimum standards for how we will be treated. We are trying to convince Canada that there is a better way to treat Indian people and we have to use the principles in the Declaration as a guideline in our relationship”-Armand Mackenzie. The Declaration of Independence was documented stated the reasons the 13th American colonies wanted to be free of Great Britain government. About 20% of Americans population were loyalists. John Hancock was the first man to sign the Declaration of Independence. George Mason started the George Mason’s declaration of rights in 1776. Also in 1776 Williamsburg, Virginia Convention unanimously adopts the declaration. Assembled slaveholders in Virginia had a promise to the “good people of Virginia and their posterity” for the equal rights to the life, liberty, and property. The people were white were guaranteed to have “all the power”. (Virginia adopts George Mason’s Declaration of Rights) A lot of the declaration had roots in the English Bill of Rights. The ruling class of Virginia was largely derived from disinherited younger sons of the British was eager to abolish the hereditary privileges. Later, the Virginia Declaration of Rights became the Bill of Right amended to federal Constitution. (Virginia adopts George Mason’s Declaration of Rights) Mason initial draft did contain ten paragraphs that outline rights. Had ability to confront one’s accusers in court also to present evidence in court.

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