
In Khalad Hosseini's 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'

Decent Essays

Individual writers possess a distinct style of writing for an individual story. Khalad Hosseini, the author of the novel, A Thousand Splendid Suns, applies multiple literacy devices to enhance the novel. These literacy devices create the novel to captivate and attract the reader’s attention. Throughout the novel, Hosseini utilize literacy devices as foreshadowing, diction, and symbolism to intensify the life of Afghanistan culture. Foreshadowing prepares the reader for later events in the story. Hosseini emerge various times in the storyline which frequently presents clues of what happens eventually in a future event. When Mariam signs her name on the marriage contract and states “the next time Mariam sign her name to a document, twenty years later, a mullah would again be present” demonstrates that is not the only document she is intended to sign (Hosseini 49). The additional document Mariam intend to sign would be her death sentencing. The scene indicates that she expect to sign her name again on a contract twenty-seven years from now. …show more content…

Hosseneini utilizes Afghanistan language throughout the novel to enrich the Afghanistan culture. The first page of the novel uses words such as “hamrami”, “kolba”, and “jinn” to demonstrate the native language of Afghanistan where the characters live. After finding out what the words mean, readers can discover that the words refer to culture. The kolba is a hut where Mariam lives in, which shows the poverty of where she lives. Harami means bastard which Mariam is an unwanted child to Jalil. Jinn refers to the bad spirit in Nana, even know she is having seizures, the culture believes she has an evil

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