
In The Life And Writings Of Kate Chopin And Mary E. Freeman,

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In the life and writings of Kate Chopin and Mary E. Freeman, how can you see the obvious cry for women to have an equal status in a man’s world?

Chopin and Freeman lived in a time when men dominated women; a woman’s job was to marry, have a home, and raise children. Women were their husband’s property and law did not protect them if they were abused. (Plaza) Owning land, making financial decisions, and voting was among the many things women could not do. Freeman and Chopin both used their literary works to shed light on those subjects.

2. WOMEN’S RIGHTS IN 1894ISH) really focus on this and how the women wrote about this and give examples.
Kate Chopin greatly contributed to the feminist movement and was one of the first …show more content…

For the wife, Louise Mallard, this was an awakening of a new life. This new life is cut short as the information that led her to believe this news turns our false. Kate Chopin reveals that even the desire for love is trumped by the need for freedom and independence, through her use of precise diction and syntax, and symbolism. (rewrite) Chopin became a symbol and mascot for the American Women’s Suffrage Movement (1910-1920) with the passage of the nineteenth amendment that stated: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.” (First-Wave Feminism) Although Chopin was not alive while the actual women’s movement occurred, she still contributed. Her work did not receive any admiration until decades after her death around the 1950 's. (Sandra).

Mary E. Freeman was best known for her depiction of New England life and was objective and straightforward in her writings. Many of her works had a theme of mental oppression and and rebellion of women.
In her story, “Old Woman Magoun” she delivered a feminist message more directly than ever. It’s based in turn-of-the-century New England, patriarchy still defined relationships even though the men themselves had degenerated. The story reflects the realities of Freeman’s own life, as her father’s business failed and her mother became the support of the family. However, Freeman’s life was not unique; rural New England is

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