
Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Summary

Decent Essays

Incidents In The Life Of A Slave Girl Summary This autobiography is the story of a slave girl from North Carolina, who for the first few years of her life did not know she a slave. Her name is Harriet Jacobs but she published the book under the pseudonym Linda Brent. I believe that used a pseudonym so didn’t have to relive the painful memories of her past, Linda did and maybe that was easier for her. Her mother’s mistress promised her mother that she would release Harriet and her siblings, but she never did. When she is old enough she was sold and thus begins her life of hardship. She was sold to her mother’s mistress’s niece, Emily Flint. I believe family was incredibly important to Harriet, after both her mother and father died she relied on her grandmother to be like a mother. She was a free woman who ran a small bakery and she used the money she earned from selling her goods to try and buy her children. She stood by Harriet when she falls pregnant and when she tries to escape. Harriet also loves her children, she would do anything to get them out of the demon slavery. At one point in the book Harriet notices that slavery tares both …show more content…

In Harriet’s life the power is in Dr. Flint's hands the father of her mistress. When she turns 15 Dr. Flint started taking an interest in her, he tries to force into a sexulal relaonship with him. When she refuses, he becomes enraged. But he never beats her as most masters would if a slave refused to do what they want, he does threaten her many times with violence. The practice of forcing a young female slave into sexulal relaonshion was very common, Dr. Flint already had 11 children with other slave women. But Harriet resisted him and when she fell pregnant with another man’s baby he became even more enraged. When she fell pregnant with another white man’s baby Dr. Flint becomes more enraged and states that she will be his slave

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