
Increas Increase Mather Research Paper

Decent Essays

Witchcraft and sorcery might be considered a myth or a legend in our modern day society. In fact, we may even find the craft entertaining and harmless. To some, it is hardly anything to fear as there is absolutely no such thing as wizards or witches. Magic itself is a rather pleasurable diversion often use at children’s parties with clowns, top hats and bunnies. Or perhaps it could only be found at Hogwarts, Camelot, or some other mythical land invented by our favorite authors. Regardless of how we may feel about witchcraft, there was a time, during the Puritan era in the 17th and 18th century when it was a prevalent contagion, as was the smallpox, and was extremely dreaded. All those who practiced magic or even suspected to contribute to the art would be put to death. All it took was a mere accusation with no real evidence to condemn a woman (or man) to the gallows or burn on the pyre. All measures necessary to rid the world of such evil would be implemented by the Puritan government and Increase Mather was just the man to ensure these methods were never applied. “He argued that it would be better that ten witches go free than the blood of a single innocent be shed” (Madden, Mathew.) …show more content…

A clever young man he was, Mather was in college before reaching his adolescent years. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, he “entered Harvard at the age of 12 and received his bachelor’s degree at 17” (Britannica.) That is quite the achievement for someone so young; a genius he should have been labeled. He later became the college’s first president. His achievements did not end there, Mather was a spiritual and political leader and negotiator with King James II and also publish 135 of his work (the Mather Project). In addition to his plight against the burning of witches, he also petition for the immunization against

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