
Indian Killer Quotes

Decent Essays

His anger is creating a lot of hate within itself. Hate

towards Native Americans for all the wrong reasons that, in his delusional, exaggerations and

rants over the radio and gives off the impression that somehow he has a more personal animosity

towards them, which in turn is making him come across as ignorant. If his knowledge was

completely accurate and unbias, he would know the poverty a lot of the Native Americans face.

In the novel we see the poor and deprive lifestyles most Native Americans endure, barely being

able to provide a meal for themselves or simply being able to pay for their education. So it's clear

that the host of the radio show doesn't really understand truly how bad the Native Americans

have it. In this quote alone you can blatantly …show more content…

However, he is really no worse than the

“wannabe” Indians who profit by attaching themselves to a culture about which they know

nothing. It’s no wonder Alexie does not waste much sympathy even on whites at all, he even

ends his novel by predicting that other Native Americans will arise to avenge their people.

The major theme of Indian Killer is atonement through violence. This is the reason for

the racism that’s causing violence throughout the novel. David Rogers brother, Aaron, and his

cronies begin beating innocent Indians on the street to make them pay for David’s disappearance.

On the flip side, Reggie and his crew begin attacking white people for their crimes against the

Native Americans. Where Alexie really shows racism, is when he tells the disturbing truths about

Indian/white relationships and how badly Native Americans were looked down upon. Each

character is fully developed, with sometimes haunting inner struggles and clear motivations to

cause harm to the race they deem damnable because of how the individual was raised or the

hatred they felt towards the opposing ethnic group. For example Aaron and David was raised

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