
Indiana State Policy Case Study

Decent Essays

Influencing Indiana State Policy on vacancy for the homeless. In the city of South Bend Indiana there are two shelters build for the homeless community. There are thousands in the state that are left with no shelter, many of these people have families. Hundreds are living on the streets. I believe there should be more vacancy for the homeless community. Why? Because no one should be living on the cold streets with families, this mater is important to me. On my daily commute I see many homeless people with their home-made signs asking for money and or food. The homeless community is highly affected by the limited space locally, once beds are filled at the Center for the Homeless they get directed to the Hope Ministry. Most homeless people would rather sleep on the streets than go to the Hope Ministry because, they do not like the policy there. What can South Bend, Indiana do to improve this issues and accommodate the homeless community? The South Bend Policy now is that the city has partnered with South Bend Heritage Foundation on a new 32-unit permanent supportive housing project in Rum Village, which is set to open later this fall. South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg says he will continue working on a better …show more content…

One business owner told SBT that “he will consider moving out of the location he has operated for 25 years.” Once the city buys and turns the building next to his into housing for the homeless. He stated plenty of the homeless come around knocking on the doors and windows asking for change and us the bathroom. He also stated most of his clients are older and get very frightened when this happens. In this case anyone can be stakeholders. Some agree something should be done to get the community of people off the streets, and some just don’t care and just want something to be done to get the homeless away from their

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