
Indirect Characterizations Of Characters In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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In the play The Crucible by Arthur Miller, Miller creates several characters that do not have many direct characterizations. This play shows the thoughts of some of the people in Salem during the time of the witch hunts. These people also had accused their neighbors simple for more land, animals, and money. Some of the characters offer a lot of indirect characterization such as Giles Corey. In the beginning of the play Giles Corey is suspicious of witches like most of Salem, but over the course of the play he believes it was pure superstition.
In Act I, Giles, like most in Salem, was just another average person who goes about his daily business like everyone else. Giles converses with the town and he is well respected in Salem. After …show more content…

Giles explains what he meant by talking about the books and that he never meant to accuse his wife of witchcraft. Giles explains, “It is my third wife, sir; I never had no wife that be so taken with books, and I thought to find the cause of it, d’y’see, but it were no witch I blamed her for. I have broke charity with the woman, I have broke charity with her”(70). Giles makes this claim in hopes of getting his wife out of jail and back home with him. Giles states that he broke her trust in him and he feels completely guilty for his wife’s imprisonment. As Giles talks he mentions that there might still be some form of witchcraft and he had only mentioned the books his wife read because he wanted to help find cause of witchcraft. When Giles speaks to the judge he hopes to redeem himself by getting his wife out of jail. With that, Giles has lost pretty much all belief in witches in Salem, and his only goal now is to make things right so that no more people are hanged. The final Act, Act IV, Giles is getting close to drawing his last breath in Salem. With Giles being taken to jail for simply not giving a name, he has confirmed his stance that witchcraft does not exist and that the court is in the wrong. Even Mr. Hale has now left the court as well due to the lack of trust in the fact that witches exist. It is not until Elizabeth is talking to Mr. Proctor that the audience finds out what has happened to poor Giles after his imprisonment. Giles was

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