
Individual Rights Vs National Security Research Paper

Decent Essays

Imagine being in the runaway trolley scenario. Which one is more ethical, saving one person and killing five, or saving five people and killing one? Either way, someone has to be sacrificed in order to save the others. This is similar to the question whether upholding the rights of citizens and giving sanctuary to refugees is more important than national security. The articles, “That Time the United States Happily Airlifted Thousands of Muslim Refugees out of Europe”, “Anne Frank and her Family Denied Entry to the US”, “Japanese American Relocation”, “Remembering the Victims of the San Bernardino Attack”,” 2015 Paris Terror Attack Fast Facts”, and "George Takei: They interned my family. Don't let them do it to Muslims” all prove one thing. They all prove that national security should take precedence over upholding the rights of citizens or giving sanctuary to citizens for the sake of the safety of the majority and the prevention of terrorists. It is important to acknowledge that …show more content…

Individual rights are important, but they are not as important as the rights of many people. In order to keep people safe, rights sometimes have to be violated. It is impossible to keep everyone safe, so the government thinks about the greater good. By refusing some refugees and violating some rights, they can ensure that the nation as a whole is still safe. There are many cases that show that terrorists are willing to go into great lengths in order to hurt somebody. The only way to prevent that is by catching the terrorists before. In order for that to happen, sacrifices have to be made. To sum it up, national security is more important than individual rights or accepting refugees. At the end of the day, the main question is, which one is more ethical national security or individual rights and accepting

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