
Industrial Revolution's Impact On The Market Revolution

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In the nineteenth century the Industrial Revolution had a huge impact on the market revolution. The technological innovation in transpiration and communication all helped connect the nation, and opened up new markets. Previously, most seamstress were self sufficient, but some would make a few articles of clothing and sell. It wasn't until the sewing machine were they could produce several pieces of clothing. The advances in technology led the way, and open a new market for the textile industry it also created many opportunities for women. Lowell, Massachusetts became one of the most important cities during the Industrial Revolution, and was the center for the textile industry. By the early 1820s many of largest textile factories were built in Lowell, and with so many new technological changes the city soon, became a large factory town. For example the sewing machine, and the new main source of energy steam power, but also new advance in transportation helped to expand markets all throughout the United States. The invention of the sewing machine had a huge impact on …show more content…

These mill girls were proud of independence they soon found in the factories for example Ms. Mary Paul believed that the factory lifestyle was the best place for her, and any girl that seemed employment, she advise them to come to Lowell (Kirschbaum). Although this seemed like a dream for many women as they were promised many opportunities, they faced harsh condition, and grueling ten hour long shifts. The average age for most of the women that worked in the factory was about 13 to early 20’s (Collet). The Industrial Revolution was the foundation that created a different type of workers, such as they had to be at work by a certain hour, paid hourly, or daily. According to Foner, Lowell, Massachusetts became the second most industrialized region of the world (Foner,

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