
Inequalities In The Middle Ages

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The Middle Ages was a time of war and extreme poverty. While some empires were thriving, Western Europe struggled to maintain order and safety in the kingdoms during the ninth through fifteenth centuries. Food was a rarity and many people failed to support themselves and their families because of the inequality stemming from the feudal system. The feudal system, a way of ordering people based on their social and economic status, brought inequality to Western Europe, but also kept a sense of order during times of war and instability. In order for the Medieval feudal system to function properly, peasants, knights, and lords all had to fulfill their duties and stay within the boundaries of their given position.

Although they were the …show more content…

Knights extreme power and mastery in battle was largely because they had been taken from their home at a very young age in order for them to train for battle and learn the code of knightly hood (McDonald 32). Because of their training from a young age and crucial role in battle, knights had to be outfitted with highly advanced equipment. To protect themselves, knights armor consisted of a complex combination of leather, chain meal, and iron plating (Alchin). Knights were able to use Medieval tactics of war which were practiced mainly for the invasion of a castle. Armies would either use highly powerful weapons known as siege engines, or use various strategies, such as trapping inhabitants of a castle inside until they starved (33). Knights who performed well in battle, largely because of extensive practice, were given a fief, which is a portion of land granted by a king. Their extreme power and loyalty was greatly influenced by this reward (Alchin). Although the reward of land was highly sought after, knights were required to fight during times of war. Knights who had been given land where required to fight during times of war when they were "raised by the Feudal Levy when there was a 'Call to Arms'. Under the Feudal Levy soldiers and knights were required to fight for a limited period of 40 days” (Alchin). Knight's reward of land was not free, and during times of war, knights were required to fight for their king for this minimum amount of time before they could return home. Violence was very common during the Middle Ages because of a lack of justice, consequently leading to many legal arguments. Most of these conflicts ending in wars, making knights and soldiers a vital part of the well being of a village (Schlager). In conclusion, knights rigorous training and service in battle

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