
Informative Essay On Sciatica

Decent Essays

Do you sometimes get mysterious pain in one of your legs, your lower back, or your hips? Do you chalk it up to old age or humid weather? Well, it turns out there may be another reason for your discomfort—a condition called sciatica. In order to provide the public with more information about sciatica, Comfort Family Chiropractic of Lincoln, NE offers some analysis and advice.
How do you know whether you have sciatica and not another problem? Sciatica's most telltale sign is that it only affects one side of the body. Its symptoms include constant pain in one of your legs or half of the buttocks. It is rare to have symptoms on both sides. The pain is often worse when sitting, and it makes it difficult to rise from your seat, let alone try to walk. It may also be difficult to move your leg or wiggle your toes, and you may feel numb or weak in the affected region or have trouble bending the knee.
Sciatica is not actually a diagnosis in its own right—it is only the manifestation of an underlying medical condition. These symptoms occur when the sciatic nerve—an extremely long nerve which originates in the lower back and continues down through the buttocks and the backs of the legs—is irritated or pinched. The pinch is …show more content…

For those in the Lincoln, Nebraska area, Comfort Family Chiropractic and Dr. Alex Kallio are well-equipped to handle all sciatica questions. Whether your back pain arises from sciatica or another condition, Dr. Kallio, born and raised in nearby Fremont, will help you solve the problem with a natural, healing-focused approach. Because misaligned vertebrae or bones in the lower back may be causing the sciatica, his chiropractic care focuses on re-aligning those vertebrae. This can release the pressure on the sciatic nerve and relieve of you of the constant pain—without having to undergo risky surgery. Visit his website or call 402-484-5166 today for more

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