
Intelligence In Flowers For Algernon By Daniel Keyes

Decent Essays

The award-winning short science fiction, Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, digs deep in how society reacts to different levels of intelligence. The book covers a wide variety of society from the creative minds to world-renowned scientists. When a retarded adult becomes one of those brain maniacs through a scientific operation, you get the full spectrum of what it is like personally as a handicapped person and through the minds of a genius. In the reports, you can see the progress and comparison of Charlie’s realization towards other people’s capability of intelligence.
There are limits to what one is capable of knowing. Charlie tries to learn more about the authors’ books by questioning their works yet, “they would always find excuses to slip away, afraid to reveal the narrowness of their knowledge.” (73) Everyone wants to keep their upheld titles and will not let it slip away. People will have flaws that may or may not be apparent to everyone else. They want to be someone better than how others perceive them. To keep the pride of a certain status, one must not show any flaws that can counteract their right to a title. The people that Charlie looked up to as intelligent were not the people he was expecting. All the professors who were well known for their work were not able to “know what exists beyond the surface ripples.” (72) Despite the amount of knowledge known in the world, there are still subjects that many may not know about. One person cannot answer all of the

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