
International Accounting Standard Board ( Iasb )

Decent Essays

International Accounting Standard Board (IASB) is a professional body that develops and approves International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRSs). The IASB is known as an independent and a private sector organizational. IASB was formed to replace the International Accounting Standard Committee. The IASB organization is responsible for all technical matters of the IFRS Foundation that includes ‘full discretion in developing and pursuing its technical agenda, subject to certain consultation requirements with the Trustee and the public, the preparation and issuing of IFRSs (other than interpretations) and exposure drafts, following the due process stipulated in the Constitution, and the approval and issuing of Interpretations developed by …show more content…

In the year 2006, IASB issued IFRS 8 Operating Segments replacing the IAS 14. IFRS 8 replaced IAS 14 because the revenue earned from the sales to external parties was reported in a limited segments and did not require separating the segments accordingly to the different stages of a vertically integrated entity. The new IFRS 8 requires the report to separate in segments for the Chief of Decision Maker (CODM) purposely to measure the allocation of resources for the segments and evaluating or assessing the performance (Anon, 2014).

Users of financial statements consists two categories, internal and external financial statement users. Internal financial statements users include the employees, the management, the owner and other users that are involved directly in the decision making for the business. External financial statement users include the investors, lenders, government and other users that are not involved directly in the decision making for the business. The current requirements set in the IFRS 8 increases the quality of information for the financial statement users that are involved directly to the decision-making. For example the Chief of Decision

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