
International Cybercrime And Racketeering. Essay

Decent Essays

International Cybercrime and Racketeering The word ‘racketeering’ commonly brings up the image of Al Capone and John Gotti. The mafia seemingly coined this phrase in their dealings with illegal organized crimes. The emergence of new technologies and the internet, racketeering has become synonymous with the phrase cybercrime. Cybercrime refers to “crimes in which the perpetrator uses their distinct skills with computer technology” to commit unlawful acts via cyberspace (Holt, Bossler and Spellar, 2105, p. 9). Racketeering is defined as the “act of offering of a dishonest service [a "racket"] to solve a problem that wouldn 't otherwise exist without the enterprise offering the service” (Investopedia, 2010). Combine the two and there is potential to have catastrophic consequences for both the victim and perpetrator. The case of David Camez is one in which $50 million dollars’ worth of financial fraud was committed using the internet. Combined with racketeering efforts, his case made headlines due to its influence on how the Justice Department now looks at racketeering acts.
The Nature of The Crime On December 6, 2013 David Camez who resided in Arizona was convicted and sentenced to 20 years in federal prison for his part in a complex cybercrime plot that included racketeering offenses. The U.S. Department of Justice states that Camez’s was charged with “one count of participating in a racketeer influenced corrupt organization and one count of conspiracy to participate in a

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