
Interpreting Nature

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Edgar Allen Poe’s creation of the detective Le Chevalier C. Auguste Dupin paved the way for detective stories. ……………………………………
One of the main characteristics of successful analysis, as said by Holmes, is “the ability to reason backwards” (‘A Study in Scarlet’). These views reflect the thoughts of the 17th century philosopher of science, Sir Francis Bacon. Sherlock also uses the phrase “ones ideas must be as broad as nature if they are to interpret nature.” This idea of ‘interpreting nature’ is also similar to Bacon’s views as Bacon writes about interpreting nature in one of his philosophical works called The Novum Organum Scientiarium (which translates as The New Instrument of Science).
Philanthropist and founder of the McCauley institute …show more content…

It is only a matter of capturing a fingerprint and then matching it with a suspect. Two sources (Forensic Outreach and an Encyclopaedia article written by James O’Brien) say that the first times Sherlock Holmes uses fingerprints was in Doyle’s book ‘The Sign of Four,’ which was published in 1890 and Scotland Yard did not start using fingerprinting as a viable means of identification until 1901. However, in 1880 (10 years before the first use of fingerprinting by Doyle) Scottish scientist Henry Faulds identified in a paper the uniqueness of fingerprints and said they could be used to catch criminals. He even went as far as telling Scotland Yard about fingerprinting and offered to show them his system but they …show more content…

Edmond Locard was an avid reader of the Sherlock Holmes stories and was influenced very heavily by them, so much so that he built his own forensics laboratory. He proceeded to create ‘Locard’s Exchange Principle’ which explains that if two things rub upon each other for example (or come into contact with each other) they will always leave a trace of themselves on each other, “every contact leaves a trace.” Locard was very influential in the field of forensic science as he developed the science of ‘poroscopy’ which is the study of the pores in fingerprints, and also said that if 12 points of two fingerprints matched that they were the same, i.e. a positive identification. In ‘A Study In Scarlet,’ Holmes talks about the identification of ashes and afterward Locard wrote a paper on the identification of tobacco by a study on ashes. Locard also published a paper titled “The Analysis of Dust Traces” in which he directly address the Holmes novels, saying “a police expert… would not find it a waste of time to read Doyle’s novels.” Interestingly, Locard was dubbed the ‘Sherlock of France’ (The Forensics

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