
Intersectional Feminist Analysis

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Most understand feminism as a movement that strides for political, economic, and social equality across gender lines. At its core, it is about dismantling oppression. Yet, everyone experiences oppression to a differing degree based on their social identities. To understand these differing forms of oppression and how they overlap, the idea of intersectionality must be added to feminism. But not too many people are familiar with what intersectional feminism is. Therefore, what precisely is intersectional feminism? Intersectionality describes the ways in which social identities overlap, and how those identities factor into experiences of oppression (Gordon 341). In altering the idea of feminism to accept intersectionality, the movement becomes …show more content…

Race is the clear motive why full-time black and Hispanic women are paid far less than white, full-time women and men. It has become widely known and publicized that when comparing the earnings of all full-time working women to full-time working men in the United States, white women make 78 cents for every dollar men earn. Black women are paid just 64 cents, while Hispanic women earn 56 cents for every dollar earned by white men (78 Cents Project). While women of all races are victims of wage discrimination and earn far less than their white male counterparts, not every race suffers equally. White women are often targeted for wage discrimination because of their gender; meanwhile, women in minorities face wage discrimination for both their gender and their minority status as well. This exemplifies that all women can be discriminated for having a common identity, women of minority will experience a far greater degree of oppression then white women due to their …show more content…

For women who can be identified as anything but white, the oppression lies between being both a women and an ethnic minority. In the case of Latin American women, intersectional feminism is used to combat the degrees of oppression Latina women face not just because of their gender, but due to their ethnic origin as well. Latin Americans generally retain their ethnic identities since they still have close ties to their homelands, which unfortunately contribute to the oppression Latinos endure, since they are portrayed as being more loyal to their homeland then the country they immigrated to. This is apparent in a December 2016 confrontation in Louisville, K.Y., where a woman was hurling racist remarks at two Latina women, stating, “Just go back to wherever the f--k you come from, lady,... Just because you come from another country, it don’t make you nobody!...Speak English. You're in America” (Edwards). The skirmish reflects how women of minority groups are oppressed to a higher degree than white women, due to their ethnicity. Most white women have families that immigrated generations ago at the peak of European immigration to the United States. By the virtue of time, the families of these white women assimilated into American society, and thus lack the ethnic connection that their ancestors had. Latina women, whose presence in the United

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