
Interview With Plato: . Question: What Important Questions

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Interview With Plato:
Question: What important questions does The Republic attempt to answer? Answer: The dialogue explores two central questions. The first question is “what is justice?” Socrates addresses this question both in terms of political communities and in terms of the individual person or soul. He does this to address the second and driving question of the dialogue: “is the just person happier than the unjust person?” or “what is the relation of justice to happiness?” Given the two central questions of the discussion, Plato’s philosophical concerns in the dialogue are ethical and political. In order to address these two questions, Socrates and his interlocutors construct a just city in speech, the Kallipolis. They do …show more content…

Answer: Before Socrates gets into these virtues, he explains that the virtues cannot exist unless the city is already "just." Justice has been taken care of. These virtues begin with wisdom which is shown by those "guardians" who oversee the city and who make sure the city runs as it has been designed to run. The second virtue, courage, is shown by those in the city who have to fight for the city if necessary; he calls them auxiliaries. The final virtue, moderation, is one that is demonstrated by all people in the city; this virtue is not characteristic of just one group such as the guardians or the auxiliaries. It is the virtue shown by those who understand how the city is justly governed and all who practice moderation agree with that decision.
Question: What is Socrates’ notion of justice. Is his concept of justice universally valid? Explain why or why not.
Answer: For Socrates, justice in the individual is harmony among the three principles of the soul, achieved by rationality, or reason ‹the wisest faculty (in terms of the State, the guardians).
Question: How progressive is The Republic with regards to the treatment of women?
Answer: Socrates believed that women should be given the same education, music and gymnasium, as their male counterparts. However, he says that though the two sexes share identical pursuits, comparatively, males quantitatively

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