Chris McCandless was a very smart young man. He went to Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia. He tells his parents that he is going to spend the summer traveling in his yellow Datsun. Chris Death was a likely outcome, he was ill prepared for what Alaska had in store for him. Chris McCandless is arrogant and naïve which contributes to his death because on his journey many people gave him advice and he did not take it, taking Henry David Thoreau book too seriously, and finally the lack of resources Chris had on this journey.
Chris McCandless encountered many strangers along his journey to Alaska. Many of them which had some guidance for Chris if that should be for Alaska or to just call his parent. He did not take many of the stranger's advice. Wayne Westerberg met Chris in South Dakota and gave him a job. He also gave Chris advice that Chris thinks too much and that's bad. Chris took this advice a little too serious, which leads to his death. Two hippie
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Within his journey many of his friends, which he meets along the way, try to give him things to aid in his survival. Chris had bought a canoe and used it to go from Colorado to California, but after he gets rid of it when he could have used it in another encounter with a watery trail. Ronald Franz, a friend of Chris which ends up caring for Chris as a son, gave him a box filled with a great amount of actual useful things for Alaska. Chris only took a handful like a machete and a fishing net. Franz also afford to buy him a map so he won't get lost, but Chris refused. In the movie “Into The Wild” by Sean Penn, he captures the moment which Ronald Franz and Chris McCandless had a very breaking moment when they depart from one another's life. Little did Chris know he was a bare necessity for Mr. Franz. Ronald goes back to drink after he discovered Chris death and Chris died because the lack of resources he had with him to
Chris was never very close to his parents, and frankly didn't like them very much. He would never spend much time with them, or even let them know how he was doing. However he would send them his grades from school. For example, he wouldn't send letters to them like he would to Franz. By being distant from his parents this may tell us that he didn't have a great childhood. This may be the reason he wanted to leave home and go live in Alaska by himself. For these reasons I have concluded that Chris McCandless
The story of Chris McCandless’s journey and eventual death in the Alaskan wilderness has intrigued thousands of readers. While many factors, such as lack of preparation, ignorance of the potential danger, and not following the advice of others, contributed to his demise, the actual cause of Chris’s death is highly debated.
In April 1992 after almost two years tramping around the Western part of the United States, Chris Johnson McCandless hitchhiked into into the Alaskan wilderness without proper equipment and never came back out alive. Jon Krakauer author of Into the Wild the biography of Chris McCandless’s stated, that Chris’s personality caused him a lot of conflict during his short life. Chris hated being told what to do, yet loved to succeed and create his own path in life. Though some would argue that McCandless’s was childish and ignorant for committing foolhardy actions, he had rather reasonable motives.
Westerberg, and many more of McCandless’ bosses, described Chris as a hardworking, intelligent man who never seemed to settle down anywhere. Chris was also someone who shaped the lives of everyone he met, this is evident through the countless interviews included in the book. Chris disassociated from his affluent lifestyle at home to seek independence in the wild. He gave away $25,000 and began to hitchhike across the country, from South Dakota to Lake Tahoe to San Diego and finally Alaska. The author attributes Chris’ death to two things, his overconfidence and the dismissal of family from his personal life.
Chris McCandless died doing what he loved, but was it worth all of the pain and uncertainty he caused his family? Chris embarked on a journey through the Alaskan wilderness, which resulted in his demise. He cut ties with his family due to personal differences in opinion and travelled all around the country living off of the land for the most part. People have formed many different opinions of Chris McCandless, but its up to you to decide whether his actions were selfish or purposeful. In this Journal, I will be questioning the motives of McCandless, connecting with him, as well as evaluating the author.
Chris McCandless is the main character from the book Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, he is a idealistic man who beliefs that life should be spent out in the wild. He took a journey all the way to Alaska by himself leaving his whole life and family behind to pursue his dream. On his way to Alaska he faced many obstacles and got through them with the help of several people whom he met throughout this journey. Jan Burres, Ronald Franz and Westerberg are some of the people whom Chris interacted with leaving them behind with different impressions on each of them.
Chris McCandless, as portrayed in the book and the movie, “Into the wild”, is quite an interesting character. After graduating, McCandless pursued his long time desire of escaping society by giving all of his saved up money to charity and entering the wild. Inspired by the literary works of famous transcendentalists, like Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, McCandless put their teachings into action by travelling the American frontier, disregarding civil authority, burning his money, gathering food he found along the way, and living with friends he met, all for the pursuit of truth. Throughout the book, Chris McCandless demonstrates his anti-materialistic nature in several ways.
Since the story of Chris McCandless was originally published in January of 1996, there have been many arguments as to why Chris went on his voyage into the wild. Some think that he was extremely ignorant venturing into the wild with the little amount of supplies that he had; on the other hand, some believed he was a true transcendentalist living aromantic life as it was meant to be lived. Although there are plenty of people are on both sides of the argument, after reading and analyzing Into the Wild by Jon Krakauer, it is easy to see that Chris was a foolish idiot who paid the ultimate price because of his foolishness because he did not have adequate gear needed for his trek in the alaska wilderness and he did not take time to learn about the
Chris McCandless was an intelligent young man who decided to leave college, his dysfunctional family, and conventional society with hope of gaining enlightenment by exploring the wilderness. Unfortunately, he starved to death while camping in Alaska’s interior. Chris McCandless is a polarizing figure due to his unorthodox and transcendental ideals and the way that he died. Some individuals label McCandless as “a reckless idiot, a wacko, a narcissist who perished out of arrogance and stupidity.” Others believe Chris McCandless was courageous, noble, and admiral for adhering to his rigorous moral ideals. Although both arguments contain valid points, the second party’s interpretation of Chris McCandless is closer to the truth.
Chris McCandless is an intelligent young man who believes that life is best if lived alone, away from society, in nature. Into the Wild is a novel by Jon Krakauer, which tells the story of Chris McCandless journey into the wild and what his friends thought of him as he made his travels across the United States. In Into the Wild, Jon Krakauer characterizes Christopher McCandless as adventurous and confident.
What if you went on a journey and you had to start all over with just $20 and the clothes on your back. Would you be able to do it? Adam Shepard left his old life and started a new one with only $25 and his clothes on his back. He left so he can search and achieve the American dream. Chris McCandless also left his old life and went on a journey to Alaska. They were both young, educated men who wanted to travel and leave everything behind them in the past and not to look or go back until they did what they needed to do. Adam Shepard was achieving a lot of his accomplishments so he can prove that you can have the American dream.
McCandless believed he had the knowledge to survive in the wilderness, and he had developed the desire to attempt that fate. As Mrs. Westerberg recounted, Chris, “was the sort of person who insisted on living out his beliefs (Krakauer 67)”. By letting his beliefs shape who he wanted to be, McCandless was able to act and pursue that desire. While McCandless’ ultimate death casts a shadow on his adventures in the wilderness, he was successful in pursuing the identity he sought for himself. His actions allowed him to achieve that goal, and his journey can be considered at least a partial success due to making his dreams
Chris McCandless was just a victim of his own obsession. The novel "Into The Wild" written by John Krakauer revealed the life of a young bright man named Chris McCandless who turned up dead in Alaska in summer 1992. In the novel, John Krakauer approached carefully McCandless's life without putting too much authorial judgment to the readers. Although Chris McCandless remained an elusive figure throughout the novel, I can see Chris McCandless as a dreamy young idealist who tries to follow his dream but failed because of his innocent mistake which prove to be fatal and irreversible. Still, Chris McCandless's courage and passion was something that we should all be proud of.
The book “Into the Wild” by Jon Krakauer is a story about a man by the name of Chris McCandless. He is a man who grew up in a DC suburb, graduated college and decides to change the ways of his life. He journeys across the country, and finds his way to Alaska. His means are to leave the material lifestyle and become at one with nature. During Chris’s adventure he seems to neglect all communication with his family and over look the fact that they care about his health and future.
Jon Krakauer, the author of the book, Into the Wild only know about Chris McCandless is an explorer traveling to Alaska search for himself reborn. However he isn’t exactly what he really is, but an ignorant, foolish, selfish, and misunderstanding of the world in which he lives. These words that have been used to describe him are based on the idea that he went on a journey to the Alaskan wilderness to seek his own revelation, but not having a firm grasp of reality, he senselessly died a stubborn man, the people mention that he was unprepared to go into the wilderness, didn’t listen to a more experienced person, broken several of state laws, abandoned his family and loved ones, and followed a dream that never existed. Personally believed he is an ignorant fool, selfish, and misunderstand man that throws his life away for nothing but despair.