
Introduction. Alcohol Has Manifested Its Place In Most

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Introduction Alcohol has manifested its place in most Western societies over the past few centuries. The fact that it is a drug does not hinder its wide usage and eventual abuse. Nevertheless, sci-entists have proven that alcohol can cause severe health issues and therefore, many govern-ments try to protect children and young people by enforcing a minimum legal drinking age mostly between 16 and 18 years, in some places even 21 years. While from a scientific view-point this law is more than justified, many young people reaching a certain age do not see the need for it nor do they find it necessary to respect this law. How can governments set a fair age for alcohol consumption? At what age are we responsible enough to receive the right to …show more content…

This involves for example the consumption of alcohol. Studies on brain development found that brain structures and processes do not stop changing but continue to develop during our lives. (Johnson et al., 2009). Given this, it seems hard to determine adulthood or maturity on the fact whether the brain is fully developed or not and therefore, the “correct” minimum legal drinking age is hard to determine or even impossible. It raises the question why the age of 15 seems to be such a vital turning point. If we only consider brain development, the recommended age for first drinking alcohol could easily be higher, say 18 or 21 considering Johnson et al.’s findings that the brain structures change basically all our lives. To sum up, young people might argue that the legal drinking age might as well be 15 years not only because brain development seems less significant considering it changes con-stantly through the course of our live but also because the probability that they are drinking anyway is quite high. The question being targeted by this research paper is whether young people over 18 years think that 15 years would be a reasonable age for legally being able to drink alcohol. It is expected, that females would agree less with a legal drinking age of 15 years than male participants and suggest a significantly higher average drinking age than males would. Methodology Participants In my research paper, I followed a pragmatic worldview,

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