
Introduction Of Pop Art

Decent Essays

Kristen Carrow
Gary Moeller
HONS Art Appreciation
28 Nov 2017

Pop art occurred during the mid 1950s to the early 1970s. It started with four artists: andy warhol, roy lichtenstein, james rosenquist, and claes oldenburg. All four artists took their inspiration from mass media and the pop culture of the time. The term “pop art” possibly came from several different origins, the first used in writing attributed to lawrence alloway and alison and peter smithson, members of the independent group. In fact, the first artwork to incorporate the word pop was created by eduardo paolozzi, a collage titled i was a richman’s plaything. Andy warhol was the figurehead of the movement, with his paintings of campbell soup cans and coca cola bottles being some of his most prevalent works. [include campbells paintings] the gallery owner and interior designer muriel latow gave warhol the idea of painting soup cans, when she suggested to him that he should paint objects that people use every day. He created art that was both easily recognizable but also visually stimulating. The ad imagery that was flooding the lives of americans was part of his pop art style, making consumer goods something that many people can recognize in passing. It is stated on that he recreated on canvas the experience of being in a well-stocked supermarket. He is credited with envisioning a new type of art that glorified, and also criticized, the consumption habits of his contemporaries and consumers

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